Comfort Duotech is a 3 in 1 machine because it sweeps, washes and dries in a single pass. Give his characteristics is particularly suitable for cleaning surfaces very dirty, even in the presence of heavy debris, which need to be Sweeping before you are washed.
Main Features
- Dimensions ultra compact and great handling like a washer-dryer man on the ground, ideal for maintenance cleaning
- Brush single side (880 mm working track)
- The Great Battery life (up to 4h) thanks to the very low consumption of washing solution and large capacity tanks
- System of very precise dosage of detergent, proportional to the water supply, which determines a reduced number of stops and maximum charge utilization of the batteries for the actual operation of the machine
- Flying Ergonomic newly developed with very small turning radius (860mm) It allows rotation on itself practically on itself both on the right and on the left
- Brush self-levelling central that allows you to work perfectly on disjonly
- The system Patented of forced airflows keep the solution within the washing track
- Sweeping, up to 1060mm, thanks to large diameter and intelligent side brushes (Active) which automatically falls in case of impact, or in corners for allow perfect collection of all material
- Tank for solid debris up to 30 l
- Double process of drying the floor that allows the back wheels to travel without slippage of wet surfaces
- ECO: consumption very low water
- Available kit height seat